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Your Profile

Your Foundance profile is how potential co-founders, investors, freelancers and other fellow start-up enthusiasts will find you. A good and complete profile is your business card and ticket to success.

You can always view and update your profile by clicking on your avatar, bottom-left corner.

Profile Completeness

Each detail we ask for is a piece of a puzzle. The more complete the puzzle, the more likely it is that people will want to interact with you, share their ideas, or work on yours.

Here's how each element contributes to your profile's completeness: Complete Profile Perentages

This is how a complete profile looks like:

Complete Profile


Profiles with a completion rate lower than 40% won't be displayed on the Community page, for the others to see.

Your support for the Foundance community

Our aim is to build a strong start-up community. Hence, one of the important pieces of the puzzle is how you want to support the Foundance community. While you can select more than one of the options listed below, we strongly advise you to pick just the ones that match your current intentions. No worries, you can always edit this section later.

  1. Founder - You want to create projects
  2. Co-Founder - You want to join someone's project
  3. Freelancer - You want to work on discrete pieces of work across many projects
  4. Advisor - You want to give a little time and a lot of experience to projects
  5. Hacker - You want to help buiding hackathon projects

Depending on this selection, your Foundance experience will be customized. For example, people who want to support he community as founders or co-founders will have a slightly different experience from people who only want to act as freelancers.

Your Journey

Every person has a story. What is yours?

Let the other community members learn how you got here. It might be a corporate 9-5 job, a prize you won while a student, a successful start-up started in your parent's garage.

We created this timeline for you to showcase your journey. Click on Add Experience and select the type of experience you want to add. You can select anything from the good-old professional and educational, to exits, accelerators, previous funding and hackathon prizes. If none suits, you can select the "other" option.

Each experience item will be mapped on the timeline for the others to see your journey so far.

My Journey

Your Opportunities

As part of the Foundance Community, you will, most probably, have access to multiple opportunities.

You find these under your Profile - Opportunities

My Opportunities

What kind of opportunities are there?

Well, depending on your involvement, they can be:

  1. pending applications on open roles
  2. roles you have been invited to join
  3. current freelancer gigs

We will also keep a history of past opportunities for you, such as:

  1. rejected role applications
  2. invitations you rejected
  3. past freelancer gigs and payment