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Starting your own business is exciting but can feel a bit overwhelming, at times.

We'll guide you through the next steps you need to take to launch and grow your business using Foundance. From shaping your big idea to building your team and getting your product into the world, we're here to support you.

But first things first: How does your Foundance profile look like?

Imagine you’re searching for a co-founder and browsing through profiles. What would get your attention? What would make you want to learn more about someone? The same goes for everyone else in our community. That’s why it’s crucial to put effort into completing your Foundance profile. In the virtual world, your profile is your introduction to potential co-founders, investors, freelancers, and advisors. They want to see an avatar that reflects your personality or interests and learn about your hobbies, likes, dislikes, and your journey so far.

At Foundance, we’re all about building an active, reliable, and trustworthy community. That’s why we only display profiles that are at least 40% complete, showing that you are committed.

Ready for the next steps?

Depending on whether you have an idea or want to help build someone else's, the journeys are a bit different for a while.

Please select the proper path for you and read what you have to do next.