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Step 3: Promote Your Venture

A venture is not just about having a great idea and a team to build it. It's also about creating a community around your idea, where feedback, collaboration, and support come together.

On Foundance

  1. The Forum is a great place to start if you want to make people aware of your solution and ask for advice or support.
  2. The NewsFeed every new project, new open role or achivement is visible on the news feed.
  3. Follow the people and the projects you'd like to collaborate with, or even drop them a message.

Outside Foundance

  1. Start-up platforms: If you do that, don't forget to mention us.
  2. Social Media: Foundance projects, profiles and even forum posts can easily be shared on LinkedIn and Twitter. Depending on your audience, it might be helpful to share on other platforms, as well.
  3. dedicated communities on Discord, Reddit, substack, Medium etc.
  4. Start-up platforms, such as Product Hunt, Crunchbase or Uneed; If you do that, don't forget to give us a shoutout.
  5. Social Media: Foundance projects, user profiles, open roles and even forum posts can easily be shared on LinkedIn and Twitter. Depending on your audience, it might be helpful to share on other platforms, as well.
  6. dedicated communities on Discord, Reddit, substack, Medium etc.
  7. User research platforms
  8. Virtual or in person events